January Blues

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In Greenwood with Elder Darrington.


January 2, 2017 – No letter.

January 9, 2017

Dear Mom,

Busy busy busy.  That’s what it sounds like back there. It’s pretty busy for us here too.

Elder Darrington and I had a good week, and a cold one at that. We went tracting when it was 17 degrees outside! No one wanted to hear us, but it felt good to get out and at least make ourselves available if nothing else; and while we were at it we put some hair on our chests haha!

We met with Kristine and Bree, two of our investigators. We challenged Bree to baptism and challenged her to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. We hope she does and gains a testimony of it. Kristine is a bit more complicated, she’s hopefully getting baptized in a couple months though, so we have high hopes for her. We are staying busy working with the ward mission leader and getting to less actives and members that are just struggling; and we are gaining some new investigators that way. 🙂 Life is good, things are looking up. It’s great to hear about all that’s going on back home I hope you all have an awesome week. 🙂

January 17, 2017

Mom: I am on my way to school and we are pressing charges against a boy at Weston’s school.
Elder: Good luck with that!
I’m trying to send pictures but the technology isn’t cooperating. Hopefully it’ll work. We had a good week, and have interviews with President Carleson today and were going on exchanges. So, should be a good day. We found two new people last week and had someone at church so that is definitely a plus. 🙂 Love all of ya! Have an awesome week.
January 23, 1017
Sounds like life is eventful there! I will send off a letter to Weston today when we get home. We had three people at church yesterday! 🙂 One of them, Heather is getting baptized in a few weeks and we are super excited for her. 🙂
January 30, 2017
Haha! We went to Costco today. I got a good deal on a jacket for tracting in the cold. It’s around 34 degrees for the past few days. A little snow but not much. Sister Carlson took a picture of us to put on facebook and I knew you would like that. Haha.

I remember that cell tower! Kinda ridiculous that it hasn’t even been used until now. Careful with the community organizer stuff. Remember what Dinesh D’souza said about ’em haha. Our week could have been better.  It’s been super cold and our car was unusable for a few days so we walked. All good though we are excited for this next week.


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